News media have reported that the Indian government took steps at the end of October 2015 to ban commercial surrogacy, notifying clinics to stop embryo transfers for non-Indian passport holders. Legislation to regulate commercial surrogacy has been pending since 2008, but the government's new bill would exclude foreigners from the practice. See Nida Najar, "Indian Wants to Ban Birth Surrogacy for Foreigners" (N.Y. Times Oct. 28, 2015); Joanna Sugden and Aditi Malhotra, "Foreign Couples in Limbo After India Restricts Surrogacy Services," (Wall St. Journal, Nov. 16, 2015); and Vidhi Doshi, ‘We pray that this clinic stays open’: India’s surrogates fear hardship from embryo ban (The Guardian, Jan. 2, 2016).