April 2018 saw the release of two annual reports from the U.S. State Department prepared by Office of Children's Issues (OCI). The Annual Report on Intercountry Adoption for FY 2017 showed another drop in the number of incoming adoptions with a total of 4714, with the largest numbers of children coming to the U.S. from China (1905 children), Ethiopia (313), South Korea (276), Haiti (227) and India (221).There were a total of 83 outgoing international adoptions reported, from states including Florida (39 children), New Jersey (9), and California (10).
The Annual Report on International Child Abduction for 2017 reports that country officers in OCI handled 215 cases in which children returned to the United States and 356 cases that were resolved in other ways. It cited twelve countries that had demonstrated a "pattern of noncompliance" in child abduction situations. Data on applications made to the U.S. in 2017 in incoming child abduction cases, posted on the State Department website (here), show a total of 458 new cases opened for return or access during the calendar year, with a total of 543 open cases at the end of the year. The largest number of pending requests involve Mexico (197 open cases), followed by Honduras (57), the Dominican Republic (32), Canada (20), and the United Kingdom (18).