“When Worlds Collide — Tensions in Family Law”
Around the world, family law is presenting some of the most personally critical, intellectually challenging, and politically controversial issues for legal resolution. The North American Regional Meeting of the International Society of Family Law and the Midwest Family Law Consortium seeks papers exploring these cutting edge issues for presentation at their co-sponsored conference June 3-5, 2010 at the University of Missouri Kansas City School of Law.
While international law or comparative law papers are encouraged, papers or panels on any topic of broad interest are encouraged. Professors who are engaged in the scholarship of teaching who would like to present their insights on family law education issues are likewise encouraged to contribute.
Interested persons should submit a one-page proposal with the name, title, and institutional affiliation of presenter(s) and a brief summary of presentation to Barbara Glesner Fines, Associate Dean for Faculty, UMKC School of Law at glesnerb@umkc.edu. Proposals submitted before January 15 will be given priority consideration.
Another conference ahead:
IV World Conference on Child and Adolescent Rights, Nov. 15-18, 2010, in Puerto Rico.