Articles for October 2011

The rules have changed for Britain’s royal family, with the unanimous approval by the Commonwealth countries of changes to the Bill of Rights 1688; the Coronation Oath Act 1688; the Act of Settlement 1701; and the Royal Marriages Act 1772.
Repeal of a Quaddafi-era law regulating polygamy – by requiring a first wife’s consent before a man took additional wives –has surfaced along with a prohibition on charging interest as part  of the new interim government’s plans for a return to a more strongly shariah-based legal system in Libya.
Former Argentine military dictators and several others have been on trial for the past nine months on charges that they kidnapped children born to pregnant political prisoners (who were later killed) during the “dirty war” that lasted from 1976 to 1983.
Surrogate Mothers in India are the subject of this story posted (with video) on the PBS Religion and Ethics Newsweekly (Sept.
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